Flying Saucer disguised as cloud photographed over Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Interesting photograph of a cloaked UFO in the sky over Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Portholes are visible in the upper part of the flying saucer-shaped UFO.

The photographer who has submitted the images to MUFON states:

I parked on Lena’s parking lot, which is a grocery store. I looked up to the sky before getting out of my car when I saw the cloud looking UFO shape in the sky.

I screamed excitedly to my son “Look a UFO” so we excitedly came out of my car quick to take pictures . I was so exited taking pictures I didn’t even think of taking a video.

So then I proceeded after that to go inside the grocery store quick because I wanted to see if it was still there and 11 minutes later I took another photo which was not the full shape UFO I seen, it was like a UFO was there and it left the rest of the cloud behind it or smoke or something.

Yellowstone Cam: What Is This Mysterious Object?

Kat Martin has captured something weird flying above Yellowstone. I have seen this type of thing before, but never changing direction so fast as this did.

There are lots of lights which are just reflections. The one this video is about is the bright object which comes in from the upper right of screen. It does turns and then settles near three line where it flashes very bright and appears in different places. It then flies off to the left, then makes a hard right turn.

This was live on the Yellowstone cam at Old faithful on May 5, 2019. Kat slowed the video down because whatever this was moved very fast.

Weird Beam of Light appears over Eskilstuna, Sweden

Many weird and unexplained things happening in the skies above us. The next footage shows a thunderstorm when suddenly a weird beam of light comes out of clouds.

The photographer said that it was a normal summer day in Eskilstuna, Sweden and while watching the thunderstorm she decided to film it.

She little know that a portal like phenomenon was going to appear..

Boynton woman's video captures rare 'positive' lightning bolt

When Erica Hite was filming a thunderstorm on Sunday in her home in Boynton Beach, Florida she had her camera ready at just the right time to capture a weird bolt of lightning.

The National Weather Service in Miami identified the unusual weather 'positive lighting,' or a continuous current, which is up to ten times more powerful than a typical flash.

Hite told the Palm Beach Post: 'It was crazy. Very scary, very loud.' 'It was just at the right place at the right time. I could probably never in my life get something like that again.'

In Hite's 12-second video, the glowing bold of electricity can be seen striking a dumpster, crackling like gunfire or fireworks.

Torpedo looking UFO flying over Ohio filmed by plane passenger

A fast flying UFO has been filmed by a plane passenger at the moment the plane was at an altitude of 30,000 feet.

Plane passenger said "Taking video and pictures from 30,000 + feet is my favorite thing to do while flying and on May 3, 2019, I happen to catch this torpedo looking UFO."

"As you can see it has no wings or engines, heading west very very fast under the clouds/radar."

"I believe it was Imperial Ohio but I would have calculate the time we left California and the time of my video."

Weird Dinosaur with bat-like wings discovered in China

Near Wubaiding Village, Liaoning Province, China, paleontologists discovered a 163-million-year-old dinosaur fossil.

Research shows it belongs to scansoriopterygids, a group of tiny dinosaurs generally reconstructed as feathered tree climbers.

Unlike its relatives, Ambopteryx longibrachium had membranous wings supported by a styliform.

Researchers believe the dinosaur may have glided from trees. The bat-like wings were probably a short-lived design, tried before the later predominance of feathered wings.

A new Jurassic scansoriopterygid and the loss of membranous wings in theropod dinosaurs
Min Wang, Jingmai K. O’Connor, Xing Xu & Zhonghe Zhou
Nature, DOI 10.1038/s41586-019-1137-z
Photo and 3-D reconstruction: Min Wang, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Life reconstruction: Chung-Tat Cheung

MT Tech professor claims UFOs are time machines

Many people believe UFOs visit Earth from other planets far, far away. A Montana Tech professor believes UFOs are much closer to home.

The phenomenon may be our own distant descendants coming back through time to study us in their own evolutionary past,” said Michael P. Masters.

Masters writes about this theory in his newly released book, “Identified Flying Objects.” With a doctorate in anthropology from Ohio State University, Masters uses science to explain why people who report close encounters with aliens always describe them the same way.

“The extra-tempestrial are ubiquitously reported as being bipedal, upright-walking, five fingers on each hand and foot, bi-lateral symmetry that they have two eyes, a mouth a nose, they can communicate with us in our own languages,” said Masters.

Masters understands this study may be considered fringe science, but he defends the research in the book.

First likely Marsquake heard by NASA's InSight sounds like an underground high-speed train

This video and audio illustrates a seismic event detected by NASA's InSight on April 6, 2019, the 128th Martian day, or sol, of the mission.

Three distinct kinds of sounds can be heard, all of them detected as ground vibrations by the spacecraft's seismometer, called the Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure (SEIS):

There's noise from Martian wind; the seismic event itself; and the spacecraft's robotic arm as it moves to take pictures.

This event is the first likely Marsquake recorded by the InSight team. Several other seismic events have been recorded but are much more ambiguous than this signal.

The audio underscores just how seismically noisy the Martian surface can be and was produced from two sets of sensors included with SEIS.

You can hear sounds from the Very Broad Band sensors from your left speakers and sounds from the Short Period sensors from your right speakers. Audio from both sets of sensors have been sped up by a factor of 60; the actual vibrations on Mars would not have been audible to the human ear.

Listen to the 'Marsquake' that sounds like a high-speed train as used in an underground rail system. Playback on headphones or speaker system recommended for best experience.

Missing 411: The 1600 People who VANISHED from America's National Parks

1600 people go missing every year in America's national parks. They seemingly vanish into thin air, some of them return and some are never to been seen or heard from again.

The cases David Paulides, an author and former policeman, found were strange and numerous enough that he has since written six volumes of work documenting the disappearances in his books called the 'Missing 411' series.

Strangeries investigates and documents some of the bizarre missing person's cases that David Paulides has been involved in and the shocking statistics of just how many people disappear without a trace!

They Hid Something in the Mars Rover That No One Knows About

There is more to the story of Mars than they will ever admit. When NASA received the first pictures of Mars they immediately started tweaking them, even changing the color of the sky from blue to red.

They have been trying to convince us for 40 years that there is no life or even signs of past life but the evidence suggests otherwise.

One of the most interesting stories here regards a technicians who downloaded the Mars rover data, he found images that were not on the original hard drive, are they storing data on a different one and not sharing the data?

Mysterious Atmospheric Wave passing Jupiter Twice

Filming Jupiter at 3:05am Irish time April 8th 2017 from north of Dublin. A wave like this has been observed many times passing the moon by other astronomers, like Crrow777.

Crrow777 states: "We see in the jet wash what we see in boat wakes. Two wakes tied together with no independent wave period or offset.

Both waves remain locked and identical and lack the sharp edge we see in what is called lunar wave - which are not locked and all have different periods and speed - even within the same capture."

An interesting and mysterious phenomenon in space and till now nobody knows what these waves are.

The Inevitable End of UFO Secrecy

UFOs have always been an unspoken part of our world, something that remains officially denied but which is in fact believed by enormous numbers of people, many of whom work within the classified world and know the truth.

Richard Dolan, one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs has dedicated the last two decades to uncovering the truth about UFOs and, more recently, the dark covert operations known as false flags, argues that the secret will not hold much longer, and in fact changes are already happening.

How To Time Travel, According To A Physicist!

Brian Greene, professor of physics and mathematics at Columbia University explains what we know about time travel so far.
 It's critical that you realize that there are two types of time travel, and they are radically different. Time travel to the future? Definitely possible.

We know how to do it because Einstein showed us the way over a hundred years ago. It’s surprising how few people actually really know about this in their bones.

He showed that if you go out into space and travel near the speed of light, and you turn around, and you come back, your clock will be ticking off time more slowly. So, when you step off it's going to be the future on planet Earth. You will have time traveled into the future.

He also showed that if you hang out near a nice strong source of gravity, a neutron star, a black hole  and you kind of get right near the edge of that object, time also for you would slow down real slow relative to everybody else. And therefore, when you come back to Earth, for instance, it'll again be far into the future.

This is not controversial stuff. Any physicist who knows what they're talking about agrees with this. But the other kind of time travel — to the past is where the arguments start to happen because many of us don't think that time travel to the past is possible.

The main proposal that people at least consider worthy of attention for traveling to the past does make use of a weird concept called wormholes. A wormhole is something that really … Albert Einstein again discovered. The guy has like got his name written over everything in this field.

It's a bridge, if you will, from one location space to another. It's kind of a tunnel that gives you a shortcut to go from here to here.

Now he discovered this in 1935 but it was subsequently realized that if you manipulate the openings of a wormhole — put one near a black hole or take one on a high-speed journey, then time of the two openings of this wormhole tunnel will not take off at the same rate, so that you will no longer just go from one location in space to another, if you go through this tunnel, through this wormhole, you'll go from one moment in time to a different moment in time.

Go one way, you'll travel to the past, the other way, travel to the future.

Now again, we don't know if wormholes are real. We don't know if they are real whether you'll be able to go through them.

So, there are all sorts of uncertainties here. Most of us think that you're not going to actually go on a whirlwind journey through a wormhole to the past. But it's still not ruled out.

Navy prepares new guidelines for reporting UFO sightings

For many years it was considered a career ender to report these unexplained encounters so many military personnel downplayed them but now the U.S. Navy is updating their reporting protocol for pilots and other witnesses who encounter UFOs.

Politico revealed that the U.S. Navy is drafting new guidelines for pilots and other personnel to report encounters with unidentified aircraft which is a significant new step in creating a formal process to collect and analyze the unexplained sightings.

Right now, we have situation in which UFOs and UAPs are treated as anomalies to be ignored rather than anomalies to be explored the Navy said in a statement in response to questions from Politico.

The Navy isn’t endorsing the idea that its sailors have encountered alien spacecraft. But it is acknowledging there have been enough strange aerial sightings by credible and highly trained military personnel that they need to be recorded in the official record and studied.